Here, in these works, I take my debugging process, economy of means, of colors, with strong staining, giving more with less.
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There are works on paper and canvas, always with oil.
Dimensions: 140 x 110 cm
Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm
Dimensions: 80 x 100 cm
Dimensions: 23 x 35 cm
Untitled Dimensions: 70 x 50 cm
Dimensions: 50 x 50 cm
Dimensions: 100 x 100 cm
Dimensions: 185 x 75 cm
Dimensions: 300 x 120 cm
Dimensions: 150 x 120 cm
Dimensions: 59 x 100 cm
Dimensions: 98 x 98 cm
Dimensions: 165 x 65 cm
Mixed media on paper Dimensions: 41 x 33 cm