Sunday, July 26, 2009

100mm Scooter Wheel 98mm


Friday, July 24, 2009

How To Make Small Ballet Shoes From Fondont

Xe80 Does Not Fire 3 Times


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Linzi Dawn Mckenzie 16 Yo

companies sponsoring EXPOSURE: CURRICULUM VITAE

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How To Make Uneven Side Face

0341 - 156838799
mackenzie college -são paulo - civil engineering course (syn. with.)
School of Visual Arts Constancio C. vigil - Rosario - Argentina - arts course (not to.)
(UNR), Universidad Nacional de Rosario - fine arts-(studying)
LANGUAGE: Portuguese
and English
date byte - sao paulo - computer course programación
Fundación lazar Segal - sao paulo - studios for painting, grabado, dibujo
cultural center Vergueiro - sao paulo - studios dibujo y pintura
colortex and hilados in argentina - la rioja - arg. - Estudio para la de la expanción intelligence
la europea - buenos aires - decoración course, y patinas textures
Sebrae - Itai - sao paulo - course lideranza
course dicta capacitación por la rosario headquarters of tersuave en y patinas textures
course dicta capacitación por la rosario headquarters of sherwin williams en y patinas textures
-individually, collectively, HALL OF ART AND OTHER ACTIVITIES: -
art gallery of Campos do Jordao : Campos do Jordao - Sao Paulo
museum four September - Terezin - Piauí
Santa Fe art gallery - Rosario - Argentina
brazil bank - itai - são paulo.
Libreria neon - sao paulo.
art gallery Santillan - rosario - argentina
art gallery molina - rosario - argentina
art gallery Rosart - rosario - Argentina
cultural center santa cristina - paranapanema - sao paulo.
XXXIII cp rotary int. Grand Hotel San Pedro - aguas of s.pedro - sao paulo.
rotary - Itai - sao paulo.
cámara municipal - Itai - sao paulo.
Fundacion Libertad - rosario - argentina
Faculty of Humanities Arts y - Avare - sao paulo.
wl art gallery are: - london.
theater vivencias - rosario - argentina
Fundación josefina prats - rosario - argentina
art gallery Santillan - rosario - Argentina
art gallery faith holy - rosario - argentina
libreria bellas arts - sao paulo.
art gallery molina - Rosario - Argentina
Bernardino Rivadavia Cultural Center - Rosario - Argentina
Boulevard Orono - Rosario - Argentina
first sphere of Avaré : - são paulo.
Arts Hall:
II Pirelli Award "Young Painting" 1985 - MASP - São Paulo
room art lovers - JB Castagnino Museum - Rosario - Argentina
XXI annual art salon - JB Castagnino Museum - Rosario - Argentina
young art room - JB Castagnino Museum - Rosario - Argentina
lounge small format - tokyo art gallery - Buenos Aires - Argentina
cultural map paulista - (1999-2000-2001-2003-2004-2005) - municipal representative
cultural map Paulista - (2000-2004) regional representative (phase state)
paulista cultural map : - (2005) Honorable Mention (phase egional)
shows "Autumn Exhibition" - saapro autumnal art-rosario - March 21, 2008
du concours Château des Reaux 2008 : création de l'exposition du Château des Reaux "
performatic : Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Terezin (urban graffiti). participation of the project "a new face for rosary" - Rosario - Argentina
graffiti urban art in cities: Rosario - Argentina and Itai - são paulo.
opening and URL atelier "blue train" - rye-Argentina (teaching arts and crafts for children and youth, with exhibitions of work in banks and other public institutions).
course and decorative patinas : for artisans and painters from the city of Itai - Sao Paulo.
patina and restoration work : - with the decorator Celia Whitaker - são paulo. purple art atelier opened - itai - são paulo. (Development of artwork, decorative, screen printing, commercial prints, art courses, development of artistic projects).
restoration and patinas : lazer hotel Santa Cristina - Paranapanema - são paulo.
member of the local development (DLIS) - itai - sp.
graffiti work : the children of the community to project closure DLIS (SEBRAE) - itai - são paulo.
for the newspaper "Folha da Cidade" City Itai, column on the arts. president and founder of the Friends of Art : itai - são paulo.
murals landscape of a commercial and particular: customers - including Argentina and Brazil.
pictures at the request of the mayor of the city of itai - Sao Paulo-Brazil, for the collection of the uniforms. reproductions of customs and landscapes of daily life the city.
purple art - itai - são paulo - visual arts, creating logos, drawing in corel draw, graphic designer, screen printing, patinas, textures, graffiti, furniture restoration, art classes .
school friends in itai : drawing lessons young actor itai project - art teacher.
panluk & Communication são paulo Oxxio - graphic designer
Semp Toshiba são paulo - graphic designer.
urban arts school rosary - and graffiti art teacher
botelos Channel 5 program rosary scenery
sahuira rosary workshop : Professor Artistic Painting:
Virtual Exhibition: / ex
http://www.ágina-2/biografia-edson-franco /

Warriors With Littlest Pet Shops

Awaiting a Title Fragment

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 30 x 40 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Figurative
Year: 2009

Where Do U Get Rare Poptropica Costumes?

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 100 x 70 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Other
Year: 2008

Calories In A Smithfield Bbq Sandwich

Classic Genesis, rereading of the work - The Creation of Adam

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 80 x 57 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Figurative
Year: 2008

Undigested Food In Stool Cancer

The Motorcycle

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 100 x 66 cm.
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Abstraction

Year: 2008

Raven Riley In Hanes Socks

winter is coming

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 77 x 57 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Landscape

Year: 2008

Testical Checkup Doctors Address

Rereading a can of Campbell soup · s Marcela

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 100 x 67 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Other

Year: 2008

We The People 2010 Zodiac

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 57 x 80 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Figurative
Year: 2008

Long Does Take Get Rud Strep

The Portrait of Lady Bird and Head of Quixote

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 117 x 80 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Landscape
Year: 2007

Stream Kate Playground

Masks II

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 80 x 83 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Figurative
Year: 2007

Light And Lively Yogurt Actress

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 120 x 80 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Year: 2007

2010 Dodge Truck Grill Guard

The Gray Town Meeting

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 95 x 65 cm. Technical
Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Abstraction
Year: 2007

How Many Calories Are In A Chicken Currie

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 80 x 93 cm.

Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Figurative
Year: 2004

My Camera Is Not Working In Oovoo


Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 110 x 148 cm.

Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Landscape
Year: 2004

My Uverse Dvr Deleted

The Time Tunnel and the Pilgrim

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 115 x 85 cm.

Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Abstraction
Year: 2004

Rookie Party Initiation

Type of work: Painting
Size: 45x74cm. and 45 x 74 cm. (diptych)
Medium: Oil and Mixed Media

Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Figurative
Year: 2004

When Is The Tahoe Due For A Body Style Change?

Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 80 x 93 cm.

Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Figurative
Year: 2004

Poptropica How To Get 10000 Credits


Type of work: Painting
Dimensions: 59 x 39 cm.

Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Figurative
Year: 1987

How To Unlock Tesco Crystel Mobile Phone

Card Microphone

Type of work: Painting Size
: 54 x 78 cm.

Oil Support: Canvas
Signature: e ex
Theme: Abstraction
Year: 1987