Supportive Drawing Art
Tribute to Armando Rojas Guardia
value Bs F 150 tickets (each ticket to win a work of art)
Draw Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The draw will take place at Restaurant Guava Green at 7 pm
First prize
Author: Julio Pacheco Rivas
Title: The Amorous II. Series IV
Date: 2008
Technique: UV-curable pigmented inks / MDF
Size: 40 cm x 40 cm
Value (base price Auction 2009): 4500 Bs
Donor: Julio Pacheco Rivas

Author: Jesus Matheus
Title: From the series "Spaces." Diptych
Date: 2007
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 30 cm x 30 cm
Value (base price of the auction 2009):
Bs F.: 5670
Donor: Jesus Matheus
Third prize
Author: Pedro Fermín
Title: Two curved segments 152004. Continuous series Immanent
Date: 2004
Technique: Painted Iron
Dimensions: 19 x 29 x 27 cm
Value (base price Auction 2009): F. Bs: 4,500
Donor: Pedro Fermín
Author: Adonay Duque
Title: Untitled Date: 1998
Technique: Charcoal and tempera on canvas
Size: 49.8 cm x 44 cm
Value (base price of the auction 2009): F. Bs: 3,850
Donor: Joaquin Marta Sosa / Tosca Hernández
Fifth Prize
Author: Teresa Casanova
Title: Untitled Date: 2001
Technical : colonography / screenprint.
Tiraje 8 / 50
Size: 55.5 cm x 37.8 cm
Value (base price of the auction 2009): Bs F .: 2,500
Donor: Teresa Casanova Sixth Prize
Author: Eugenio Opitz
Title: Caribbean
Date: 2004
Technique: Gicleé
Paper: White Opal Coated Premium 180 gr.
Size: 45 cm x 112 cm
Value (base price of the auction 2009 + frames): Bs F.: 1,500
Donor: Thamara Jiménez
Seventh Prize
Author: Rui Chemo
Author: Rui Chemo
Title: Human Figures II
Date: 2001
Technique: linocut on paper (46/50)
Size: 38 cm x 34.5 cm
Value (base price of the auction 2009): B . F: 1,700
Donor: Abraham Quintero
The works of "Drawing Art Solidarity" were donated by artists and friends of Armando Rojas Guardia, in principle to the auction Works of Art Tribute this poet, on November 29, 2009 ( ).
Tickets acquisition procedure to participate in the "Draw Art Solidarity"
1. Report via email of ticket numbers you want to buy or want to sell. ( ), Armando Rojas Guardia Facebook
2. Contributors to the sale of the draw will receive "honorary" Draw tickets clearly numbered and identified. The issuance of the draw will 250 tickets and the draw will be made in relation to canceled tickets .
3. Deposit or transfer to the account of Luisa Helena Calcaño Gil, CI 2,938,368, Banco Mercantil - Savings Account - No. 0105 0079 6000 7933 3184 (R Sweepstakes esponsibility) and notify the e-mail: lhcalcano @ ) amount, date and number of bank deposit and ID of the purchaser of tickets. Contact phone: ( 0212) 243 17 42 / 0416 802 28 35.
The draw will take place at a public event at the restaurant La Guayaba Verde , On December 15, 2010, 7 pm. Address: Av Rómulo Gallegos, Edif Pascal, Torre B, Local 2-b, Saint Hedwig (compared to the Torre KLM and 50 meters Metro station Park Miranda).