did for an exhibition in Caramel, California, I was asked to draft a statement as a kind of presentation and wrote with the help of some friends this text:
"My Pictures and not want to appear virtuous, do not want to please, just want to be. I need to enter me and explore the depths from which springs from my life, my melancholy, my dreams. I let myself go and flows all my strength, my passion, pain and anger and reflected on the web through a strong brush strokes.
The work is vital, he finds a rhythm , with the power of color. The rational and irrational, the sensual and the spiritual, what is represented and the real are united and form a whole, a coherent and dynamic expression.
Form, color, line color and meaning come together to be my message, which can be read as a comprehensive, general, and himself only. Is apprehended and shown with immediacy, seeking a universal validity.
I make a look, highlight what is at twilight, deploying to the essentials and discover the path that unfolds before me. "
And the English version is this:
" My images do Not Want to Be Virtuous. They Do Not want to please. They just want to be. I want to enter into my vast interior surges from Where My life ... my Melancoly, my dreams. I want to let go and let myself Be taken by my stregnth, passion, pain, and rage. Through my strong brush stroke emerge from within, who I am.
Something within me still has not been contaminated by this world. This hostil world that overstimulates, threantens, menaces and distances one from my center core. I try to shed the different masks used to confront this overwhelming, unforgiving world, that doesnt see the human being as such and doesnt allow him to grow.
Through my eyes and using my art I would like to give light where there is darkness and take myself towards what is essential, and find the path that is leading me.
I strip myself of the image, I submerge into my interior self, reaching my pulse, allowing a strong, violent brush stroke to emerge."
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